No Time for Caution: An “Interstellar” Podcast

I’m pleased to share the first edition of No Time for Caution: An Interstellar Podcast.  This semi-regular feature is a work in progress, technologically and otherwise.  Please let me know what you think.  My goal is to explore all things “Interstellar” with both unflinching sincerity and a heavy dose of humor.

Episode 1: “The Interstellar Theater Experience”  explores the movie’s most emotional moments, why Interstellar matters to me, and some of my best (and worst) experiences watching it in the theater.

(Click here if you prefer to listen on Soundcloud.)

2 thoughts on “No Time for Caution: An “Interstellar” Podcast

  1. Thank you for doing this. I’m sure to listen to every minute. I’d love to talk to you about this film at some point, I have so much love for it. I’ve seen it 3 times on IMAX and it saddened me for SO long afterward just knowing that experience will never be repeated: the experience that is Interstellar on IMAX. I’ve watched it a couple of times on Blu-ray; I’d probably do more gushing than analytical reasoning so I’d love to hear your take on things.
    Will be listening to the podcast from now on. Thankyou!

  2. Great to hear your thoughts rather than reading, much more personal experience and look forward to future podcasts.

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