American Journal of Physics wants “Interstellar” taught in school

According to the American Journal of Physics, Interstellar should be taught in schools. “Visualizing Interstellar’s Wormhole” suggests the film can introduce elementary school students to general relativity, allowing them to draw connections between the underlying mathematics and the visual splendor of scientific concepts as depicted in the film. (more…)

Unreleased IMAX trailer

For my fellow Interstellar addicts, I suspect this is nothing new, but a reader named Dave shared with me an unreleased IMAX trailer.  It splices Cooper’s existential musings with seminal moments from the history of space flight.  Interestingly enough, Dave mentioned seeing it in a domed theater, like they have at planetariums.  I’m jealous; that’s such a unique experience.

Cover of the Week: “First Step” & “S.T.A.Y.” Medley (keyboard, flute, sitar)

The Cover of the Week comes from the YouTube group Indian Jam Project.  It’s an unforgettable Indian-style medley of “First Step” and “S.T.A.Y.” on the keyboard, flute, sitar, and tabla.  This may be my favorite cover to date.

Art of the Week: “Tribute to Cooper” (digital painting)

The Art of the Week comes from artist Mark Hossain.  It’s a digital painting of Cooper and the Endurance.  The brush strokes evoke the trippy “What Happens Now?” scene in my mind’s eyes.

“Tribute to Cooper” by Mark Hossain

You can find more of Mark’s art at his official sites:

No Time for Caution: An “Interstellar” Podcast

I’m pleased to share the first edition of No Time for Caution: An Interstellar Podcast.  This semi-regular feature is a work in progress, technologically and otherwise.  Please let me know what you think.  My goal is to explore all things “Interstellar” with both unflinching sincerity and a heavy dose of humor.

Episode 1: “The Interstellar Theater Experience”  explores the movie’s most emotional moments, why Interstellar matters to me, and some of my best (and worst) experiences watching it in the theater.

(Click here if you prefer to listen on Soundcloud.)

I hate my birthday, but JKL

I hate birthdays.  Well, not everyone’sjust mine.  It feels weird being the center of attention, so I never make plans to celebrate it.  I still receive gifts, but even those provoke discomfort.

But some gifts are so good they transcend all of that.  At what I presume was great expense, my brother presented me with this framed Interstellar postersigned by Matthew McConaughey and Christopher Nolan.  The best part?  Next to his name, McConaughey scribed: “JKLivin’.


Cover of the Week: “No Time for Caution” (guitar/keyboard/accordian)

The Cover of the Week comes from YouTube artist Matt Haag.  It’s an interesting interpretation of “No Time for Caution,” played on the guitar, keyboard, and accordion (which does an admirable job filling the organ’s shoes).